Saturday, July 19, 2008

iss attack best screener that they had.

This page has been dedicated to the base alligations made by some very questionable people, that ISS Security Management team based there case on,, have a read and decide for yourself.. evidence will be added in days to come...
Firstly You need to know, when your lying boss says if you make this complaint no one will ever know you did it,, they might want to tell you that, if you lie you might just find it published on the internet for all to see.. it is only a confidential document while the investigation is ongoing,, but once completed it no longer is covered by the confidentuality clause..

Re Incident Report About Hayley Fabe.

I often felt intimidated by Hayley fabe especially when i first started. I felt she was
watching my ever move. A little while ago (sorry cant remember the exact date)Hayley fabe went to Allan without even coming to me first and reported me for not doing proper searches on females and wheelchair searches. In which Cerry Short the Trainer was told to monitor me but found no problem. I believe i was doing them the way I was taught and trained to.
there have been a few times i have wanted to be transfered to Jetstar just so i wouldnt feel intimidated by HayleyFabe and so she wouldnt have anything to report on me.
there as one incident that happen a while ago when i felt like i had done nothing wrong,i was on the walk through with Cerry Short, and some one else.Cerry & I were talking but still concerntrating on the walk through & I turned my head for a split second. Hayley Fabe called me over and said "are you watching, a child could slip through the side& you would cause a breach" I replied Sorry i will concerntrate more.Hayley then replied "watch yourself you are being assessed" I felt so small even though Carrie Short had said i had done nothing wrong.

Signiture of S.E.Mackie
Suzanne Mackie

Date recieved from S.E.Mackie was 29/06/2006 as per Niel Pitkin Signature

Here is my view,,,
Now whats needed to be addressed here what is Carrie Shorts involvement,
Firstly was Carrie a Trainer, ISS Security Training manager Allan Dedarco stated in his workcover statement she was a paranoid person,, why would you have some one with emotional issues training others?
secondly are you as a screener employed to have conversations of what you will be doing when you get home, maybe what shopping you have planned,,,

Oh wait,,,,
Maybe watch the walk through to see if people are sneaking weapons through,,,
when some one is wanting to be transfered so there mistakes are not identified does that show a willingness to learn or a willingness to cover up mistakes..
As for Carrie Shorts abilities the documents to come will speak for themselves..


A letter of complaint labeled Private and confidentual but released by workcover Lovia Mullers complaint is as follows...
On Friday 2nd June 2006 at approximately 18oohrs whilst loading, I was publicly and loudly reprimanded by Hayley Sabe for failing to observe that the WTMD was unmanned, this is not the first time she has done this to me,
I couldn't hear the WTMD alarm and PA calling out to hold them up. thus causing a reach.
I now know this is part of the loader's responcibilities, hitherto unknown.
My Grievance with Hayley is that her attitude and demeanour was unprofessional at the time of this incident, and in my opinion is tauntamount to workplace bullyiny, I felt embarrassed and humiliated, and the following day i told her how I felt.

Furthermore, I thought this issue had been confidentiality dealt with amongst ourselves with Eddie Glenn as referee, but I have now observed that this supposed confidence has been betrayed, insofar as our private discusion now seems to be public property..
signed LM MULLER 07/06/2006
Recieved by Neil Pitkin on the 13/06/2006

well lets address the date to start with,, it happen in the 2nd June Lovia claims to have written the complaint on the 7th of June but it was not handed in until the 13 of june,, almost two weeks later,, for some one so traumatized by the complete incompetence of there own doing,, My gosh......
firstly Lovia identified she caused a breach that mind you was never called..
secondly Lovia admitts not knowing her job,,, sounds like something the whistle blowers have said all along....
then lovia claims that because she did not know her job and could not hear pa calling to her she felt intimidated by Hayley in what Lovia claims was reprimanded publicly and loudly,, did she mean when pa was calling out to her,,
no complaint against pa was ever lodged,, seems there is some inconsistancy..
but instead of dealing with the fact Lovia can not do the job, it is Hayley that is attacked for protecting the public.
how interesting....
there also is a hint in the manner of writing either lovia has had a legal issue before or she has lodged grievences before, no normal complaint have the statements of a legal hand considering this was clearly not written by a legal advisor, maybe the writer had the intent to make it appear to be done by a lawyer, although this failed misserably..
several weeks later lovia identified herself as not knowing her job and was unable to be retrained on the x-ray equipment, finally she was removed from the task, however still protected by ISS Security management.. no one knows to date what weapons went through while she was unsupervised on the equipement,

Linda's complaint is the largest complaint of all. so i left it till last.
It stated private &

On Monday 15/05/2006 approx 330pm - 430pm a group of 3 ladies of indian appearance came through screening as all 3 wore many bangles on each arm and many necklaces, Myself Linda Ritter and Luci proceeded to search them using HHMD, As they did not speak or understand english we had to wait for a gentleman friend of theirs to come through screening to interperate for us.
supervisor on duty Judy________ said to frisk search all ladies due to the amount of jewlery being worn, The 3 ladies were cleared approx 5-10 min later another lady came through screening belonging to the same group, Again the gentleman friend interperated for me. I then performed a hands on frisk as before for the same reason above, After clearing this lady Hailey______called me over and asked why i did not use the HHMD I explained to her the reason I then asked Hailey to sign as a witness, Hailey refused to sign saying she did not witness the said search, Hailey then turned away and report me to Judy, Judy spoke to me and I feel Haily's behaviour was meant to intimidate me as a new member of the screening crew, I feel Hailey and a number of other staff members do go out of there way to intimidate and bully, I do know of othernew staff experiencing the same tactics, it is not up to me to speak for the others, I enjoy my job and plan on staying for a lengthy time, But do find the tactics by some staff intimidating, as i dont have there experience.
Thank you
Linda Ritter
signed by Linda Ritter..
Recieved again by Neil Pitkin on the 14/06/2006
how interesting for an alligation, alledged on the 15/05/06 to be dated on the 16/05/06 but again not recieved until the 14/06/06
so it took this victum of alledged workplace harrassment a whole month to submitt her alligation,, now why would that be? could it be when she was seen with Carrie Short the day Hayley's grievences were lodged with papers in hand that the complaint was not written until the 9th of June,

in reading the complaint seems all in order except,
Hayley had not started work, and the direction of Judy the supervisor was not to pat the people down in full view of the whole airport, and Hayley contacted the supervisor at the request of another who did witness this breach of proceedure. and the fact that two other staff were also asked to sign and refused yet no complaints,, then there is the fact that the site supervisor Judy Millwood who did sign for the search but did not witness the search, there in itself is a breach, and not to mention unlawful,, but thats of Judy got a promotion..

Then Linda goes on with feeling intimidation because she does not have the experience as the older staff, and that initself constitutes workplace harrassment going by EMA Lawyers and the upper management of ISS Security,,

Well Linda now as an expierenced staff member does that now mean when the new staff come on deck you intimidate them, they then should file for harrassment and after reading this they may just do so,,

The alligation that Hayley did this in any form of vexatious manner is in itself the biggest load of rubbish as there is a statement from another officer who stated she requested Hayley to advise Judy Millwood of the matter at hand and the breach of process, that ISS Security management are so out spoken happens.

again the failure of the simplest of proceedure..

further more the crusifiction of there best officer for the incompetence of people like linda who clearly state they did not know there job..